Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Two Steps to Get Started Wahm Blogging

Blogging is one of the best ways I know of to drive traffic to your site. It is also an amazing way to drive traffic to merchant sites and sell affiliate products.

I encourage all Wahm's to blog, it's cheap, easy and the search engines love them.

Step 1 of Wahm Blogging ~

Figure out how you can incorporate a blog into your business. Are you an affiliate marketer? What types of products do you market. If you target a specific niche you can blog about topics that would interest that niche, and add a link here and there when you review products.

Are you a network marketer? I think blogging for network marketers is a very much underutilized tool. I see plenty of buy this network marketing websites, but rarely if ever see a content rich site that may within the content reference network marketing products. This strategy will work for just about any company. It's again, knowing your market and providing quality information to them.

Step 2 of Wahm Blogging ~

Decide where you want to host your blog. There are a few options here. I recommend each of them for different reasons.

For your primary blog I wholeheartedly encourage you to host your own wordpress blog. It is by far the best blogging platform with the most flexibility. You own the content and no one can ever take it away from you. You have heard those scary stories of blogger blogs just disappearing overnight ~ haven't you? It does happen.

It will cost you money for hosting, but in the long run it is an amazing investment in your business. You might talk to your tax guy, maybe it's deductable?

Blogger (Blogspot) ~ which is where this site is hosted. I suggest if you are using secondary blogs to drive traffic and provide quality backlinks to your primary blog use blogger, and livejournal and wordpress.com, even myspace blogs.

If you are trying to make money NEVER use a wordpress.com blog. Monetization of a wordpress.com blog is strictly against the terms of service, which I found out the hard way. They will quickly delete your blog ~ they were nice enough to warn me and I was able to save my blog and move it to my own hosted blog.

Those are the first two steps to Wahm Blogging. Go ahead and get started, I'll be back each week to give you more information and resources on Wahm Blogging.

If you would like more wahm marketing tips and tricks stop by my primary blog, Internet Marketing for Mommies and have a look.

If you have tips and tricks I'd love to hear them, feel free to leave me comments!

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